Vztahy náboženství a politiky v Barmě


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Sports Studies. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Relation between religion and politics in Burma


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sacra
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords religion; politics; buddhism; Sangha; Burma (Myanmar); relations; relational approach
Description The article is a case study, which is concerned with the relations between religion and politics in Burma mainly in postcolonial period. Burma is a country where nondemocratic military regime as well as Theravada Buddhism, the major religion, influences the functioning of the society. Politics and Buddhism enter the mutual interactions, which constitute different forms of relations. The aim of the article is to describe what the forms of mutual relations are and how they form main actors. The article is inspired by relational approach of studying social phenomenon. Between two main actors, the Buddhist Sangha and the political elite, four types of relations are identified which appeared during the modern period of the history. Because of these relations the actors gain different characteristics. These characteristics are: the Buddhist political regime, the regime hostile to the Buddhism, the antiregime Sangha and the Sangha cooperating with the regime.
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