Tourism for all: challenge for persons with disabilities



Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source ROZPRAWY NAUKOWE Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords tourism of all; persons with disabilities; legislation; adaptation; personal determinants
Description The trends of tourism for all, including persons with disabilities, are visible both in the Czech Republic and in Poland, being reflected in the literature. However, publications presenting evidence-based research are still missing. In the paper, the authors refer to the issue, focusing on the explanation of principles, planning to deepen the focus in the forthcoming research. The United Nations Charter of Human Rights, issued in 1948, is mentioned as the first official modern document in which rights, freedom and obligations of ‘different people’ were defined with regard to political, social, and economic domains. The next important initiative was the Decade of People with disabilities (1981–1991). The issue of physical activity and sport of persons with disabilities was stressed in the European Charter of Sports for All: Handicapped People (1987). All types and forms of physical activities are possible to be realized in the separate, parallel, and inclusive environments. Tourism and its accessibility for persons with disabilities should be accepted as the recent and future trend. Adaptation of communication, attitudes, methods, content of programs and technique conditions is important and has to respect the limits and abilities of the participants, but personal determinants are crucial.

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