Filmová kultura severního trojúhelníku : filmy, kina a diváci českých zemí, NDR a Polska 1945-1970

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Title in English Film culture of the Northern Triangle : movies, cinemas and cinema-goers in Czech lands, GDR and Poland 1945-1970


Year of publication 2014
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation SKOPAL, Pavel. Filmová kultura severního trojúhelníku : filmy, kina a diváci českých zemí, NDR a Polska 1945-1970 (Film culture of the Northern Triangle : movies, cinemas and cinema-goers in Czech lands, GDR and Poland 1945-1970). Vyd. 1. Brno: Host, 2014, 308 pp. Filmová knihovna ; sv. 3. ISBN 978-80-7294-971-7.
Description This monograph compares the changes which cinema cultures in the three neighbouring countries of Czechoslovakia, the GDR and Poland underwent in the twenty-five years following the end of World War II. The so-called "northern triangle" which the three states represented in the Soviet Union's geopolitical conceptualization was supposed to form a defence barrier on the Soviet Bloc's border with West Germany. This concept of a tri-bloc provides the empirical research's geographical limitation with a certain specificity. The introductory chapter (Introduction: Cinema Culture of the Socialist Countries – the "Northern Triangle" in Comparative Perspective) places the topic in a wider geopolitical context as well as providing the reader with the research design. The subsequent three historical chapters of the monograph focus on differences and similarities between the three countries in three distinct spheres of cinema culture: film production, cinema distribution and exhibition, and cinema reception.
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