Pomogajushhie specialisty v zabote o pozhilyh v Chehii: opyt nesistemnogo soprotivlenija neposledovatel'noj politike?

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Sports Studies. It includes Faculty of Education. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Czech Helping Professionals in Care for Elderly: Non-Systemic Resistance to Inconsistent Policy?


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociology of power
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web http://socofpower.ranepa.ru/en/
Field Sociology, demography
Keywords elderly care; helping professionals; dilemmas; vignette story
Description The article builds the issues of home-visiting professionals working at the elderly care services in the case regarding galloping decline of their clients’ health into the wide range of contexts presenting public rhetoric after the reforms, which were implemented in the second part of the 2000s in line with the EU directives and recommendations. The vignette story method is applied for gathering and exploring the data about professionals’ thinking related to limits and options to cope with the problem. Authors discuss specific requirements and expectations relevant for implementing this research strategy within the phenomenological approach, which frames the survey methodology. Putting forward the process of respondents’ reflexivity, the main realm of the survey, authors construct diverse trajectories of reflexivity in order to juxtapose the Schützian approach to interpreting narratives and various characteristics of professional experience.
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