Online pornography use in adolescence: Age and gender differences

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Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source European Journal of Developmental Psychology
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Psychology
Keywords Internet; pornography; sexuality; adolescents; Czech Republic
Description The aim of this study was to investigate age and gender patterns in how adolescents use online pornography and with whom, their reason for using online pornography and how and to whom they communicate their experiences. The sample comprised 2,950 adolescents aged 11-17 (Mage= 14.08, 53.3% girls). Data were collected in primary and secondary schools in the Czech Republic. For girls, the results showed that the likelihood of using and discussing online pornography in mixed-gender peer settings increased with age. Romantic relationships were an important setting for these activities especially among older girls. For boys, using online pornography to become sexually aroused was the only reason that increased with age. One third of the respondents accessed online pornography in order to learn something about sex. The results suggest that adolescents use online pornography in line with their psychosexual development, and this finding needs to be taken into consideration when providing sex education in schools. This suggestion might be challenging, since this study also showed that adolescents were reluctant to talk about online pornography use with adults.
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