Intervals in generalized effect algebras


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Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Soft computing
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation JANDA, Jiří and Zdenka RIEČANOVÁ. Intervals in generalized effect algebras. Soft computing. Springer, 2014, vol. 18, No 3, p. 413-418. ISSN 1432-7643. Available from:
Field General mathematics
Keywords (Generalized) effect algebra; Sub-(generalized) effect algebra; Set with zero; Intervals in (generalized) effect algebras
Description A significant property of a generalized effect algebra is that its every interval with inherited partial sum is an effect algebra. We show that in some sense the converse is also true. More precisely, we prove that a set with zero element is a generalized effect algebra if and only if all its intervals are effect algebras. We investigate inheritance of some properties from intervals to generalized effect algebras, e.g., the Riesz decomposition property, compatibility of every pair of elements, dense embedding into a complete effect algebra, to be a sub-(generalized) effect algebra, to be lattice ordered and others. The response to the Open Problem from Riečanová and Zajac (2013) for generalized effect algebras and their sub-generalized effect algebras is given.
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