Stravovací zvyklosti vybraných skupin populace s různou fyzickou zátěží v pracovním procesu a ve volném čase

Title in English Eating habits in choosen groups of population with different physical occupational load and with different load in their free time


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Medicina sportiva. Bohemica & Slovaca.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Other medical specializations
Keywords occupation; body mass index; eating habits
Description In this work there 4 groups of respondents with different physical and psychical load in their work and in their leisure time were monitored. They are clerks, students, soldiers and fireman. Anthropometric indicators (body weight, body height, body mass index), eating habits and measure of physical activity in their leisure time were observed in particular respondents.

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