New Warriors Will Arise - a historical movie and its ideal readership in the "post-Resolution" Czech Cinema

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Year of publication 2012
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Jiří Weiss biopic New Warriors Will Arise reached the screens in February 1951 and was celebrated as the first great success of the Czechoslovak film industry after the Communist party central committee s resolution about film from April 1950. Weiss as well as the two movie s scriptwriters were awarded by the State Award. The first version of the script was written already before the resolution, however. Besides, Weiss had been harshly criticised for the sin of formalism he allegedly committed in his previous film The Last Shot (1950). This production and reception context makes the movie an excellent case for asking the question which aesthetical and rhetorical values historical movies and biopics were appreciated for in the Stalinist era.
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