Socialist cinema conferences: the places, the events, and the conflicts

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Year of publication 2012
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In September 1956, the Soviet ministry of culture attempted to put an effective tool of control in the form of a "Conference of cinema industry workers of the socialist countries" into operation. The main goal was to get the situation in the satellite countries under control, to re-establish the norms of socialist realism as the main rule of film aesthetics, and to tame the atmosphere in the "rebellious" countries, especially in Poland. The conference took the place three times, with the declining interest of the Soviets. Also "national" conferences organized in GDR, Czechoslovakia and Poland in 1950s and 1960s played an important role as places of conflicts. The paper will deal with the conferences as specific events, places of clash of ideas, and also places of screenings movies which were proudly presented as progressive works and/or criticised as "mistakes".
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