Martin Oliva, 2010: Pravěké hornictví v Krumlovském lese. Vznik a vývoj industriálně-sakrální krajiny na jižní Moravě


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Sports Studies. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Martin Oliva, 2010: Prehistoric mining in the „Krumlovský les“ (Southern Moravia). Origin and development of an industrial-sacred landscape. Anthropos 32 /N.S.24/.


Year of publication 2012
Type Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Prehistoric mining in the „Krumlovský les“ (Southern Moravia). History of chert extraction in the Krumlovský les area. Utilisation of mined chert. Technology of chipped industries from mining fields. Origin, development and interpretation of an industrial-sacred landscape in Southern Moravia (Czech Republic).
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