Sebepoškozování u dětí - přehledová studie


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Title in English Deliberate self-harm in children


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sociálne procesy a osobnosť 2012
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Psychology
Keywords deliberate self-harm; terminology; theoretic background; developmental particularity; research papers
Description Self-harm phenomenon in children and adolescents has been intensively researched by many foreign authors over the last ten years. Unfortunately among Czech public and professional community this topic stayed more or less at the edge of interest and was often understood as pathologic behavior. The aim of this review is to describe historical context and development of our understanding of this specific form of behavior, paying extra attention to definition of deliberate self-harm, theoretic background and significant connections. We examine relevant terminology, sum up concepts most important for identifying the possible causes for self-harm development and present important links to developmental context and relevant research papers (Lieberman, 2004, Janis a Knock, 2008, Whitlock, 2010, and others).
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