Aktivity seniorů ve velkých městech: zdraví, prostor a subjektivní kvalita života

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Sports Studies. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Activities of Seniors in Large Towns: Health, Space and Subjective Quality of Life


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociologicky casopis/Czech Sociological Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web http://sreview.soc.cas.cz/uploads/90dbb8d743d6938ef9b7702d6b2e1d49f2d6184e_12-5-08Vidovicova14.indd.pdf
Field Sociology, demography
Keywords ageing; activites; disbility; environment; quality of life
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Description The article presents an analysis of selected activities engaged in by seniors older adults in the central areas of large Czech townscities. The authors set out from the assumption that activities are a factor that animate the physical environment and, together with its ? the actual quality of that environment of the physical environment, importantly contribute to the quality of life of seniors. The authors illustrate this on the basis of a sample survey conducted among seniors over the age of sixty living in fourteen large towns around the Czech Republic. The analysis shows that through the activities they engage in seniors are active participants in the rural urban environment. However, the intensity and variability of individual types of activities, asas determined by a factor analysis, are mainly influenced by increasing health limitations, which have the biggest impact on reducing the level and scope of the activities older people engage inactivitiesy of seniors. The survey also confirmed that the physical environment influences the activity of seniors as well, but much less so than the authors expected. Participation inEngagement in ?? eEmployment and leisure-time activities in particular are is? influenced by numerous other factors that are related more to the lifestyle of the individual and, by extension, to the individual’s cultural and social capital. The authors close the discussion with recommendations for further research on the activities of older adultsseniors in towns as an important contribution to urban economies.
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