Organické relikty v korozních produktech kovových předmětů z mladohradištní fáze pohřebiště Diváky - Padělky za humny


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Title in English Organic remains in corrosion products of metal objects from an 11th century Slavonic cemetery at Diváky - Padělky za humny

KRÁLÍK Miroslav

Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Jižní Morava
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords corrosion products; organic residues; human hairs; textile
Description Minute remains of wood fragments, empty insect puparia and textiles were observed in corrosion products of metal objects (bronze temple rings, iron knives) recovered from an 11th century Slavonic cemetery Diváky - Padělky za humny. Microscopic fibrous structures were noted on five temple rings. Some of them are probably remains of human hair. This research presents a quantitative analysis of these remains and discusses aspects of the methodology used in their assessment and interpretation.
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