Department of Physical Activities and Health Sciences

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Healthy through exercise - healthy exercise

The department of exercise and health, Health, is focussed on the interaction of physical exercise and health.
This looks at how various aspects of exercise influences human health and how this knowledge can be used to create new training programmes and therapeutic approaches for differently sensitive populations.It seeks to understand global issues related to physical activity in relation to health.
The department also provides education for undergraduate students in the fields of kinanthropological sciences focusing on physical activity and sport, medical-biological sciences and physiotherapy.

Main research priorities
1. Identifying effective physical activities and risk factors: identifying various types of physical activity and their impact on the body and health; analysing disorders including researching stress and its impact on human health; and assessing the effectiveness of preventive and therapeutic approaches.
2. Optimising physical activity: evaluating the individual factors of physical activity (optimal length, frequency and intensity of training programmes, ...) based on the impact on the organism and prevention.
3. Evaluating the influence of hormonal changes: investigating the relationship between hormonal changes and the effects of physical activity on body composition in specific groups, especially amongst women.

4. Studying the biomechanics of movement: biomechanical factors of movement in the context of the effectiveness of physical activity, the effects of different interventions and training regimes.
The activities of the department include quantitative and qualitative investigations in laboratory and field conditions. We work with physical fitness testing, body composition analyses, the study of biomechanics of movement, biomarker analyses and other methods. We analyse data from wearable technologies and also focus on the development of new wearable devices.



Total number of publications: 0


Total number of projects: 3


Courses taught

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