Total number of publications: 97
Socio-culturally different Motor skills of Czech children with ASD aged 7-10 years assessed by the Test TGMD–3
Year: 2022, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Workshop o pohybu a jeho rozvoji nejen pro rodiče dětí s PAS
Year: 2022, type: Workshop
Analysis of developmental trends in physical activity, BMI and muscles in children and adolescents with mild-to-moderate intellectual disability
Heliyon, year: 2021, volume: 7, edition: 7, DOI
Comparison of forward and backward gait in males with and without intellectual disabilities
JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH, year: 2021, volume: 65, edition: 10, DOI
Koncepce rozvoje univerzitního sportu na MU 2021–2025
Year: 2021, type: Special-purpose publication
Speciální olympiády: nepřetěžovat - dotěžovat
ProCiT: spřízněné duše dětí s autismem., year: 2021
Sportovní hra u dětí s poruchou autistického spektra
Year: 2021, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Sportovní hra u dětí s poruchou autistického spektra
Year: 2021, type: Conference abstract
The process and logistics of testing motor competencies in children with autism spectrum disorder in the Czech context.
Year: 2021, type: Conference abstract
The process and logistics of testing motor competencies in children with autism spectrum disorder in the Czech context.
Year: 2021, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings