FAQs for PE in general at the university


Q & A for students

Who is it for?

All Bachelor’s and long 5-year Master’s full-time students.

How many times do i have to take it?

You must complete the physical education course twice in your studies. Do not leave it for later, but complete these compulsory courses as early as possible, at the beginning of your studies.

What courses can i choose from?

You can find an overview of the courses offered (course codes p9xx) on the FSpS Centre of University Sport website (see QR code below).

When should i register for a course and what happens next?

The registration deadlines for courses for each semester are listed on the CUS website under the link Registration and Enrollment for Mandatory Physical Education. Registration takes place in waves, with students from the highest years registering first. First-year students can register 8 working days after the start of registration.

When and where can i find out the schedule and choose a seminar group?

You can find the timetable in the IS, just like for other courses. The timetable will be published no later than 31 January 2024 (you will be able to find information on the timetable before this date for full course information).

From 1 February 2024 from 5 pm (until 3 March 2024) it will be possible to register for a seminar group.

No group suits me, what should i do?

Deregister from the course, register for another course with available capacity, take the safety training (different course = different training) and, when the course is registered, choose a seminar group.

What to look out for?

Don't register for more than one compulsory PE course in the same semester. If you do, you won’t be enrolled for any of them and will end up studying none. The exception to this is combining one course and a training course if the course is part of the range of courses offered for that semester.

What if i´ve completed my compulsory PE, but i want to keep playing sports?

After completing 2 credits of p9... courses, you can only register for c9xxx or cvxxx... fee-paying PE courses provided by the Centre for Lifelong Learning (CLL).

How to register for compulsory PE?

You can find below Information on registering for compulsory PE for MUNI students.

Compulsory PE

If a student does not successfully complete a course in the semester in which they enrolled, do they have to repeat the same course or can they choose another course?

Students do not have to re-enroll in failed courses. The system does not force university-wide compulsory PE courses on them. However, if they re-enrol themselves in a course with the same code, it is registered as a repeat. This means they must complete it or their studies will be terminated.

When does a student register for a fee-paying form of physical education?

Once a student has completed 2 credits of compulsory PE (course codes p9xxx) they cannot take any further compulsory PE. He/she can register for a fee-paying PE option. The range of courses offered is provided by the FSpS Lifelong Learning Department (course codes c9xxx, cvxxx).

How are absences excused and how are long-term absences dealt with?

Absence due to illness is dealt with by the student at the study department of their home faculty. The student documents the excuse slip and the study department enters the excuse slip into the IS. Learners are allowed two unexcused and two excused absences (valid from the autumn semester 2023). Beyond this limit, the course cannot be successfully completed and the student receives the grade N. In the next semester (it does not have to be the semester immediately following), the learner takes the compulsory PE course of their choice (they may choose the same course or another course from the range offered for that semester).

I cannot register for the course, even though it is the beginning of the registration of courses and there is free capacity in the course. What should I do next?

Registration takes place in waves; students with the highest grades are the first to register for courses. First-year students can register after eight working days, i.e. from 11 August 2023 (for the autumn 2023 semester). More about registration waves here: Registration and Enrollment (muni.cz)

What should I do in the event of long-term health problems that do not allow me to take compulsory PE at all?

In the event of long-term health restrictions, the student may apply to register for p999 Physical Education - Health Exemption. They must provide a report from a doctor. The Study Department will ask for an opinion from the Teiresias Centre (Dr. Rajda).

If a student has certain medical restrictions, still wishes to take a compulsory PE course but does not know which course is suitable for them, they can contact the Teiresias Centre and request a consultation. According to the specific health restrictions, the learners will be offered the subjects that are suitable for the restrictions.

During course registration - where can I see which seminar groups still have openings?

The student can see the information in Registration and Enrolment of Courses in IS.

How are requests for cancellation/registration, re-registration in other courses handled (including course cancellations due to insufficient capacity, course cancellations, etc.)?

Course registration is done by the student during the course registration, course enrolment and course change periods (i.e., no later than the first two weeks of classes). Only a course that is not at full capacity may be registered for.

  • After the deadline for registering course changes, the student should apply to their home faculty to re-register the course, which will request feedback from the FSpS on the available capacity; if the capacity is available and the required attendance can still be met, approval will be granted and the decision is up to the home faculty. After enrolling in the course, the student will immediately contact the course supervisor and request to be enrolled in a seminar group with free capacity.
  • If the student wishes to re-register the course for another course, they can do so on their own no later than during the first two weeks of classes, when they should de-register from the course and register for another course with available capacity.
  • If a course/seminar group is cancelled for not meeting the minimum capacity, students from these courses/seminar groups are allowed to register for another course with free capacity no later than during the first 2 weeks of classes.

I'm a high-performance/elite athlete. Do I have to register for Physical Education?

Students who participate in national or regional competitions and regularly train several times during the week may apply for a sports exemption. The student should register for code p998 Physical Education - Sports Exemption. They should then provide proof of training attendance and results in competitions. The Office of Student Services will then forward this to Pavlína Vaculíková, Ph.D. (vaculikova@fsps.muni.cz)

What should I do if I did not get into any seminar group?

This situation should not arise if the number of people who can enrol in the course is limited. The student can see the number of places in the group in IS. It is a good idea to monitor the occupancy of the seminar group even in the first two weeks of the semester. During this time of possible changes in the timetable, it is possible to change seminar groups and register courses freely, so that space may still become available.
If this situation occurs, the student should contact the course advisor.

Is it possible for a student in a Czech study programme to register/enrol in a course conducted in English?

Yes, anyone can register for a course taught in English, but priority is given to students in English degree programmes. Even if you are within the ranking order, the Information system will alert you to an unmet prerequisite for the degree programme for which the English courses are intended. You have the option to apply for an exception from the course guarantor. However, it's important to note that exception requests will only be processed by the guarantor starting from the first day of the semester, and they are subject to the course's capacity.

I am a student enrolled in the English study programme and would like to complete one of the compulsory physical education courses that are taught in English. However, I have surpassed the student limit during the registration process. What should I do in this case?

If you are a student in the English study programme and have registered for a course conducted in English, but find that the course has reached its capacity, please apply for an exception. Priority for enrolment in English-taught courses is given to students in English degree programmes over those in Czech degree programmes or students for whom physical education is not obligatory (such as Erasmus students). If the course is fully subscribed by students falling into these categories, the course guarantor has the authority to grant an exception, allowing you to successfully enrol in the course.

If I am a student who is required to do compulsory physical education, when is it worth applying for an exemption?

It is a good idea to apply for an exception if you are over the capacity limit and have successfully fulfilled the Occupational health and safety training. It's crucial to note that if you haven't completed the Occupational Health and Safety training yet (the link will be sent to your IS inbox the day after course registration), the teacher won't be able to grant you an exemption in cases of capacity releases or increases within the course.

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