Physical activity in Diseases and Disabilities


Strengthening of the scapula lower fixators



Realisation: Elevate hand with external rotation of the shoulder joint (palms facing out and thumbs up)
Goal: strengthening of the scapula lower fixators
Attention: By retroversion of pelvis will prevent activation of back muscles in the lumbar spine, the head touches the mat


Realisation: Arms out sideways to the maximum position, the elbow are bent (palms facing out, ulnar edge up).
Goal: strengthening of the scapula lower fixators
Attention: By retroversion of pelvis will prevent activation of back muscles in the lumbar spine, the head touches the mat



Realisation: Sitting position on the heels - raise the arms provést zevní rotaci-dlaně vzhůru-přes připažení pokrčmo zapažit pokrčmo.
Goal: strengthening of the scapula lower fixators
Attention: This exercise is not recomended to performed when painful knee joint disorders, shoulders throughout the duration of the exercise actively pulls downward