Setup: lie with the back on the roller, the bent legs lifted to the ceiling, the arms long to the sides with the little finger edges on the ground (photo 1).
Action: breathe out and reach one leg out long, the knee of the other leg move toward your face (photo 2). Breathe in and start switching the leg, breathe out when reaching the other leg out long (photo 3). Keep switching the legs fluently.
Modification 1: sit on the roller, the legs bent and at hip-distance apart, the feet on the ground, the arms on the ground behind the roller (photo 4). Lift both legs, move one knee toward the face and reach the other leg out (photo 5), switch the legs (photo 6).
Modification 2: sit on the roller, the legs are bent, hold the roller with your hands. Keep lifting the bent legs up alternately (photo 7-8).
photo 1
photo 2
photo 3
photo 4
photo 5
photo 6
photo 7
photo 8