13 - Spine Stretch

Setup: sit tall on the roller, the legs stretched, the feet flexed and the arms straight out toward the feet, the spine and pelvis in neutral position (photo 1).

Action: breathe in and lengthen the spine, breathe out and roll forward vertebra by vertebra (photo 2). Breathe in and roll back up vertebra by vertebra.

Modification: lie on the mat, the feet flexed, the arms stretched to the ceiling and holding the roller (photo 3). Roll up gradually (photo 4) and fluently as far as you sit (photo 5). Continue rolling forward (photo 6) and roll back vertebra by vertebra to the mat.


Precision Points: do NOT slump the pelvis, rolling starts in the neck spine, reach forward "up and over a big ball", roll your shoulder blades away from your ears.
Purposes: back muscle stretching, and stretches the back part in the legs, if the feet are flexed.


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