Setup: lie on the back, the legs bent and slightly wider than your shoulders, the feet on the roller, the pelvis in neutral position, the arms long to the sides with the little finger edges on the ground.
Action: breathe in and push the feet into the roller. Breathe out and tilt the pelvis (photo 1), breathe in and roll up vertebra by vertebra (photo 2) to the bridge, the shoulders, pelvis and knees diagonal-wise (photo 3). Breathe out and roll back down to the ground vertebra by vertebra: your upper back, mid back, low back, and finally your tail bone.
Modification: only lift the pelvis off the ground and put it back down (photo 1).
Precision Points: anchor your shoulder blades into the mat and the feet into the roller.
Purposes: strengthening of the leg and gluteal muscles, spine release.