18 - Teaser

Setup: lie with the back on the roller, the legs bent and at hip-distance apart, the feet on the ground, the arms stretched long to the sides with the little finger edges on the ground (photo 1).

Action: breathe in, lift and stretch one leg toward the other knee (photo 2), breathe out and move the leg back, breathe in and lift the other leg.

Modification 1: lift and reach right/left leg out (photo 3), breathe in and lift the arms off the ground, breathe out and roll the head and upper back up (photo 4), stay and breathe in, breathe out and return.


Precision Points: the knees are in the same line as reaching one leg out, move fluently, do NOT jerk.
Purposes: strengthening of the abdominal muscles, stretching and release of the spine.


photo 1photo 1 photo 2photo 2 photo 3photo 3 photo 4photo 4