22 - Side Kicks

Setup: lie on the forearm with the roller under the hip (photo 1).

Action: breathe in and lift one leg 30-40cm above the ground, lengthen it away (photo 2), breathe out and return back.

Modification 1: flex the foot, breathe in and lift one leg 30-40cm above the ground, lengthen it away, (photo 3), breathe out and return back.

Modification 2: breathe in and lift one leg 30-40cm above the ground, lengthen it away (photo 2), breathe out and tip forward (photo 4), breathe in and close the legs, breathe out and tip behind the body (photo 5).

Modification 3: knee down one hand on the roller, the leg lengthened away (photo 6). Breathe in and raise the leg (photo 7), breathe out and return back.

Modification 4: knee down one hand and knee on the roller, the leg lengthened away (photo 6). Breathe in and raise the leg (photo 9), breathe out and return back.


Precision Points: keep the spine long, the head is prolong, roll the shoulder blades away from your ears, stabilize the torso. In modification 1 and 2: keep the hips in the line one above the other. You can tip several times before raising the leg up and flex the foot (photo 10) in modification 2.
Purposes: strengthening of the core, gluteal and leg muscles, development of equilibrium.


photo 1photo 1 photo 2photo 2 photo 3photo 3 photo 4photo 4 photo 5photo 5 photo 6photo 6 photo 7photo 7 photo 8photo 8 photo 9photo 9 photo 10photo 10


Transitional pose

This exercise can be used when switching to the other side.

Setup: press-up with the forearms and little finger edges on the ground, the roller under the tighs, the legs lengthened away.

Exercise 1: breathe in and part the leg slightly to the sides (photo 10), breathe out and flex the feet (photo 11), close the legs.

Exercise 2: as pressed-up, scissor the legs up and down (photo 12-13).


photo 10 - transitionalphoto 10 - transitional photo 11 - transitionalphoto 11 - transitional photo 12 - transitionalphoto 12 - transitional photo 13 - transitionalphoto 13 - transitional