23 - Push Ups

Setup: press-up with the hands on the roller (photo 1).

Action: with the arms at shoulder-distance apart, breathe in and lower to the ground (photo 2), breathe out and return.

Modification 1: press-up with the hands on the roller and the knees on the ground (photo 3), breathe in and lower to the ground (photo 4), breathe out and return.

Modification 2: press-up with the hands on the roller and legs bent (photo 5), breathe in and lower to the ground (photo 6), breathe out and return.


Precision Points: you can do this exercise with the arms at wider-distance apart (photo 7-8) or with the shins on the roller (photo 9). Head to heel like steel, do NOT move the butt up, keep the head prolong and shoulder blades stabilized.
Purposes: strengthening of the torso and arm muscles, modification 1 a 2 work the triceps, strengthening of the pectoral muscles as the arms at wider-distance apart.


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