Both on Playground and on Water be with Children always in Good humour
This project is co-funded by European Social Fund and by state budget of the Czech Republic
1.3.2010 - 28.2.2013
Water Tourism

Course Annotation

Professional guarantee: Mgr. Svatava Nováková

Water tourism, above all its canoe form, is a popular free time activity in the Czech Republic. Until recently, its expansion into the summer training courses (LVK) of primary and secondary schools obstructs a relatively complicated procedure of laminated ships maintenance and renovation. Currently the dense network of ship/boat rentals and modern durable materials used for shipbuilding are the main reasons that enable to organize a water tourism course.

The aim of the educational action is to bring closer basics of ship control on flat water and on running water, first aid guidelines, traffic rules on our rivers, and to present guidelines how to organize more day water trip for pedagogues.

The course content is in a compliance with the RVP (Frame Educational Program) curriculum.

Both on Playground and on Water be with Children always in Good humour |
Faculty of Sport Studies |
Masaryk University |
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