Delineation of the terms of “methodology of science”, “method of science” and “methodics of scientific work”

The variability of definitions can be manifested on a number of sources and different approaches to the basic terms of methodology, method and methodics.

General Encyclopedia in Four Volumes. Vol. 3, Prague, Nakladatelský dům OP Diderot 1997 defines the above terms as follows:
Methodology – a set of methods of a specific science, study of methods
Method – a consistent procedure within a certain field which leads to the target, ideally independently from the abilities of the person who carries out the procedure. A set of terms, tools and rules which are the basis of each science or other activities respectively.
Methodics – theoretical-practical scheme defining the procedure to carry out scientific activities. It draws from scientific knowledge and empiricism; it precisely delineates individual procedures to carry out a given activity.

Universum General Encyclopedia. Vol. 6. /Mb-Op. Prague, Odeon 2001.
Methodology – orig. Greek methodos – procedure of research, logos – word, study
Method – orig. Greek methodos – observation, research, knowledge, generally every applied procedure which was preplanned and which serves to reach a certain aim; development and application of a specific method suitable for the research subject which is the basic presupposition and part of every science. Common features of scientific methods are, apart from other things, as follows: observation, formation of hypotheses, experiment, analysis, induction, deduction and analogy.
Methodics – orig. Greek methodikos – providing instructions

Ochrana, František. Methodology of Science: An Introduction into the Subject. Prague: Karolinum, 2009. ISBN 978-80-246-1609-4.
The most general term is methodology of science. The subject of its research is studying methods and scientific procedures. Methodology of science is the study of methods. It is a theory to choose research methods; instructions to apply selected method(s) in scientific research.
Method is a tool to research a given research subject. It is a way to apply a procedure in such a way to meet the planned research aim. Using a method during scientific research presupposes the knowledge of the procedure to use the method. This procedure consists of two features: intentionality (related to the research aim) and orderliness (the method is applied within a theoretically justified procedure). The basis of scientific research justification is laid by methodology. Methodology is of key importance in focusing scientific research selecting scientific research methods.
Mthodics is also used in scientific practice. Methodics is not part of methodology. Methodics of research work means a procedure (instructions) to gradually implement, in practice, research procedures which are related to research aim implementation. Methodic procedure can be formally represented by a flowchart or other formalized schemes.