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Measuring tactical behaviour in football

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Avoidance motivation and choking under pressure in soccer penalty shootouts

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A qualitative examination of choking under pressure in team sport

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Peer relationships in adolescent competitive soccer: Associations to perceived motivational climate, achievement goals and perfectionism

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The predictive value of on-ice special tests in relation to various indexes of aerobic and anaerobic capacity in ice hockey players

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Professional ice hockey players: Physiologic, anthropometric, and musculoskeletal characteristics

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Recoil effect of the ice hockey stick during a slap shot

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Impact of hockey skate design on ankle motion and force production

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Gaze characteristics of elite and near-elite athletes in ice hockey defensive tactics

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Multidimensional performance characteristics and standard of performance in talented youth field hockey players: A longitudinal study

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Strategic decisions of ice hockey coaches as a function of game location

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Aggression in professional ice hockey: a strategy for success or a reaction to failure?

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An Investigation of the Dynamics of Aggression: Direct Observations in Ice Hockey and Basketball

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The Influence of Aerobic Capacity on Anaerobic Performance and Recovery Indices in Basketball Players

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Relationship between Athletic Performance Tests and Playing Time in Elite College Basketball Players

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The physiological load imposed on basketball players during competition

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Physiological differences in professional basketball players as a function of playing position and level of play

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Collegium Antropologicum

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[Relacije bazičnih i specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti i igračka kvalteta košarkaša kadetskog uzrasta]

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Diplomová práce

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Effect of age on anthropometric and physical performance measures in professional baseball players

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Predicting success in junior elite basketball players – The contribution of anthropometic and physiological attributes

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Anthropometric, physiological and maturational characteristics in selected elite and non-elite male adolescent basketball players

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Using video to improve basketball players'subjective perception of competitive efficacy and their performance levels

[Prácπca profesional utilización del vídeo para la mejora de la percepción subjetγvά de la eficacia competitγvά Y del rendimiento en jugadores de baloncesto]

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The effect of basketball footwear on the vertical ground reaction force during the landing phase of drop jumps

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Aiming at a far target under different viewing conditions: Visual control in basketball jump shooting

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An analysis of defensive strategies used by home and away basketball teams

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An application based on spatial-relationship to basketball defensive strategies (Conference Paper)

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Decision-making in basketball and handball games: A developmental perspective

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The effect of players' standard and tactical strategy on game demands in men's basketball

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Skills and offensive tactics used in pick-up basketball games

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Factors characterizing the offensive game of the playmaker position in basketball

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Action anticipation and motor resonance in elite basketball players

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The influence of anxiety on visual attentional control in basketball free throw shooting

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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

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Physical fitness qualities of professional volleyball players: Determination of positional differences

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Strength values of shoulder internal and external rotators in elite volleyball players

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The isokinetic strength profile of quadriceps and hamstrings in elite volleyball players

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Somatotype, role and performance in elite volleyball players

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Anthropometric, body composition and somatotype differences of Greek elite female basketball, volleyball and handball players

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Somatotype, size and body composition of competitive female volleyball players

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Height, weight, body mass index, and age in beach volleyball players in relation to level and position

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Landing techniques in volleyball

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Factors correlated with volleyball spike velocity

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Electromyographic analysis of shoulder function during the volleyball serve and spike

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Defensive participation and efficacy of the libero in volleyball

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The influence of match location, quality of opposition, and match status on technical performance in professional association football

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Situation-orientated recognition of tactical patterns in volleyball

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„Yes, we can!“: Perceptions of collective efficacy sources in volleyball

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Collegium Antropologicum

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[Relacije Stanja Natjecateljske Anksioznosti i uspješnosti mladih igrača odbojke]

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Decision-making in sports: The role of attention, anticipation and memory ( Review )

[A tomada de decisão no desporto: O papel da atenção, da antecipação e da memória]

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