Within the project we have established cooperation with two Brno institutes providing physical activities to people with specific needs. In these institutes regular physical lessons of psychomotor and other alternative activities take place. Seminars are conducted by teachers from the Faculty of Sports Studies and cooperating institutions and assisted by students of the Masaryk University.

The goal is an effective cooperation between the Faculty of Sports Studies and these institutes by means of consultancy in the area of physical activities in people with specific needs.

Students of the Faculty of Sports Studies are enabled to reflect their theoretical pieces of knowledge with their practical application in a specialized institute. The students may also make their scientific investigations within their final theses or offer suitable physical programmes.

The positive impact for the specialized institutions is seen in a possibility to consult with specialists from FspS and to connect the practical special-education area with the theoretical kinanthropological one.

Support Centre for Students with Special Needs Teiresiás

The Institute of Social Care for Physically Disabled YouthKociánka

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